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Automating and improving the ability for an aged care facility to calculate and invoice monthly care fees.
aged care fee calculator - color

TAB: Calculation of daily aged care fees.

aged care fee calculator - 2

TAB: SA funding reconciliation (also produces JNL for Xero).

aged care fee calculator - 3

TAB: Automated production of invoice data for import into Xero.

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project timeline: may to oct 2024


There are limited options in the aged care industry to automate the calculation of care fees, which is complicated as the fees are derived from a hybrid of government subsidy and consumer pays.

For instance, the government may pay all clinical care fees for a resident, however some residents also pay means tested care fees (MTCF), which reduces government funding dollar for dollar.

There are daily care fees (DCF) for catering, cleaning and laundry (commonly known as 'hotel services'). All residents pay this fee.

For accommodation costs, some residents are supported via government accommodation supplements but may still pay a Daily Accommodation Contribution (DAC), which can be partially or fully reduced via a Refundable Accommodation Contribution (RAC). Others are self funded and pay a Daily Accommodation Payment (DAP), or reduced DAP (or no DAP) depending on the level of Refundable  Accommodation Deposit (RAD) provided.

To complicate things further, there are also differences between how respite and permanent fees work, how social and hospital leave may impact funding, additional services fees, further government supplements to apply for, and DVA, VET and NDIS funded individuals.

business tax and compliance - business tax returns


Urgent development and implementation of a monthly aged care fee calculator for a 100 bed facility for:

  • Accurate and timely funding claims and resident invoicing.
  • Production of invoice data to be imported into Xero.
  • Occupancy, revenue and care specification forecasting.


The Excel model is being used monthly to calculate resident fees, process fee adjustments as notified by Services Australia, cross reference data between Clinical Manager and the Aged Care Provider Portal, and generate Xero invoice data and GoCardless direct debit batches.


  • Excel using Kutools and Robs Toolkit (yes, I developed this) Add-ins
  • eTools eRAD refundable accommodation deposit solution
  • Xero for resident invoices and GoCardless for direct debit processing
  • Telstra Clinical Manager for monthly occupancy data
  • Services Australia Aged Care Provider Portal for funding claims

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